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SUPER URINARY GOUT SUPPORT contains ingredients, such as celery seed which have been traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to relieve mild joint aches and pains. Maintain healthy blood circulation. Support urinary tract health and function.

Super Urinary Gout Support

    • Antioxidant/Reduce free radicals formed in the body
    • Helps reduce/decrease free radical damage to body cells
    • Maintain/support general health and wellbeing
    • Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to antipyretic/febrifuge/relieve mild fever/reduce body temperature/body cooling
    • Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve mild joint aches and pains
    • Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve mild rheumatic aches and pains
    • Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of occasional episodes of gout
    • Maintain/support healthy blood circulation
    • Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to maintain/support healthy blood circulation
    • Maintain/support immune system health
    • Maintain/support healthy immune system function
    • Helps stimulate a healthy immune system response
    • Maintain/support muscle function
    • Maintain/support nerve conduction
    • Maintain/support neuromuscular function
    • Maintain/support bladder health
    • Maintain/support urinary tract health
    • Maintain/support urinary tract function
    • Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to aid/assist flushing of the urinary tract
    • Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to maintain/support healthy urine output

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9 Carolyn Street, 실버워터 NSW 2128, 호주


(612) 9648 4838

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